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Mixer maps download :
Try them... !

Here you can download the latests revisions of my 33 mixer maps for the EWS64 (view History):
  1. The 16 Channel mixer maps for the 16 MIDI channels (Rev. 1.2)
  2. The 16 Drum mixer maps for the 16 MIDI channels (Rev. 1.0)
  3. The Master mixer map (Rev. 1.2)
  4. The HTML help file for the 16 Channel mixer maps
  5. The HTML help file for the 16 Drum mixer maps
  6. The HTML help file for the Master mixer maps
  7. The HTML help file with installation hints
Packed in a 213 kB ZIP file:
Start download EWS64 mixer maps


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C/O 2002-2012: Werner Ogrodnik (Cologne, Germany)